I visit both the Katholikentag and Kirchentag in Germany and this year, May, 08, I visited Katholikentag in Osnabruck. I put up theological questions to the people holding stalls and this year I put up Matt.21.33: Where is the Winepress in Jerusalem and why the Fig Tree was made to wither? Never mind answering this question, hardly anyone knew this Parable and even on explaining the Parables, hardly any one showed any interest in it. Why should they be interested in theology when they have a simple way of thriving over the widow's mites? Simple minded people have been persuaded that Christ Jesus died for their sins and they would go to heaven if they do what they are told? Christ Jesus died fighting the blasphemers or hypocrites who were not producing any fruit at the Winepress, the Jerusalem Temple. This was signified by the Fig Tree that had no fruit but beautiful green leaves in season. Thus, the Temple was beautifully decorated but produced no Fruit or Scriptures worthy of taking back to the Owner of the Winepress, our Father God. Thus, the hypocrite Temple Priests knew that Christ Jesus is the very Son of the Owner of the Winepress but they would not tell the general public in case they lose their money churning simple minded people like Simon nick named by Christ Jesus, a stone for doing what the Temple Priests would tell him to do but they themselves would not do. How devoted the simple minded people to God were is signified by Christ Jesus through widow's mite ...
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